Inscription Fees
The inscription fees include the access to the conference, the lunches on the 30rd of June as well as the access to the Welcome reception on the. Prices indicated below include all applicable taxes.
Early Bird prices (until the 15th of April)
Students: 180€
Academics: 300€
Industrials: 420€
Full prices (after the 15th of April)
Students: 240€
Academics: 360€
Industrials: 480€
Sponsoring Flyer
Please find here the direct link to download our sponsoring brochure.
Contact information & invitation letter
For any information, please send an email at info@htcd2020.eu. You can also write to this address in case you would need a invitation letter.
Legal information
Please note that all foreign nationals entering and staying on French territory must be in possession of a valid entry and stay visa, unless you are exempt from this requirement. The information below applies to foreign nationals who hold an ordinary passport.
Access to the conference
General procedure when arrived on Lille:
Centrale Lille is located in Villeneuve D'Ascq, a city that is attached to the city of Lille and that belongs to the European Metropole of Lille (MEL). Accessing to conference venue is very easy with the metro of Lille. Wherever you come from, head for the Yellow metro line (Line 1) and take the metro in the direction of 4 Cantons - Grand Stade. Stop at the last stop (4 Cantons - Grand Stade). Once outside the metro station (downstairs) turn left. Centrale Lille should be in front of you on the other side of the giratory.
Coming by train:
The easiest way to come to Lille from countries close to France is most probably the train. Trains can stop in Lille in two different train stations, Lille Europe (most probably) and Lille Flandres.
Coming by plane:
When taking the plane, you have four options to reach Lille:
Coming by car:
When coming by car, you can directly head for the campus of Cite Scientifique in Villeneuve D'Ascq. A free parking spot is available very near Centrale Lille.
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